Atlantic Prosthetics & Orthotics follows financial policles set byMedicare and Medicaid. These policies can be found on the Medlcare and NC Medlcaid websltes.
Atlantic Prosthetics & Orthotics provides service estimates for private insurance, Medicare Advantage plan, and self pay patlent financial responsibility. Financial responsibility typlcally includes deductible and co-insurance costs set by a patient's insurance plan. These service estimates are estimates based on our prior experience and are only our best estlmate of what we predict insurance will pay. lf insurance changes or deductible rolls over, the patient financial responsibllity may change. lnsurance determines patient responsibility based on the date of service that an item is delivered, not casting or trial flttings.
Atlantic Prosthetics & Orthotics collects estimated patient responsibility before services are rendered. Once insurance processes, any additlonal charges will be billed to the patient. Any overpayments wlll be refunded to the patient.
Payment plans may be an option for certain services. Please ask if you are interested in payment plan options for your servlce.
Questions regarding billlng or payments may be directed to 919-945-0215.